You create an E-Commerce website

Verify its feasibility

Analyze the positioning of your products: demand, quality, price, brand awareness, intensity of the competition Identify a possible under-exploited niche, evaluate the marketing budget (purchase of sponsored links, affiliation...) necessary for the launch of your site, evaluate the time of positioning of your products. Tools: Google's keyword generator, made available free of charge by Google, is used in particular to find out the average price of the click and the volume of search on keywords. Identify the potential traffic of your site (SEO + SEM +SMO + Netlinking + offline promotion actions) Tools: Google Keyword Tool to estimate the volume of keyword traffic, as well as the number of competitors Draw up your business plan Tools: APCE, a very comprehensive site offering regularly updated information on how to set up or take over a business.

The keys to success

A marketing budget greater than the creation of the site: Experience shows that the budget allocated to promotion must be greater than that devoted to its creation: what good is the most beautiful store in the world if nobody goes there? Optimized logistics: An ordered product must be delivered, in good condition and in the shortest possible time. This obviously can pose draconian problems when the products on sale are perishable or fragile. The technique: online sales are not just about putting a product catalogue online, in addition to the specific dimensions of the payment, the site must allow an optimization of the order processing (logistics), a stock management, a commercial management (loyalty, prospecting, sav). A good knowledge of your market: No market, no customers! Doing a market study means identifying the information you need, finding it, analysing it and using it to understand the environment in which you are going to create your business and identify your competitors.

The strategic points

A defined marketing strategy and vision of your market; The degree of knowledge of your business skills (knowing the product you are selling); Ergonomics and a graphic charter of the site which put in confidence the Net surfer; To put in phase your webmarketing objective with the technical possibilities of your site; A detailed offer with clear and structured product sheets; An adapted payment solution; An adapted and evolutionary logistics; A multi-channel Webmarketing and oriented as much as possible one to one. The advice and tips on may also be of interest to you.